About Us
Rabindra Bharati University, founded on 8th May 1962 under Rabindra Bharati Act of Govt. of West Bengal, 1961, to mark the birth centenary of the poet Rabindranath Tagore, is the third university, to come into existence in the city of Kolkata. As conceived by Dr. Bidhan Chandra. Roy, the then Chief Minister of West Bengal, this temple of learning dedicated to the memory of the poet, has been able to justify to a great extent its existence as a center for promoting, extending, and disseminating Tagore’s ideas in various branches of Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Humanities and Social Science. In the year 2001, Rabindra Bharati University, had been accredited and awarded four-star status by NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council). The University has been reaccredited with Grade A and 3.10 CGPA Score in February 2016.
The Centre for Distance and Online Education (previously known as Directorate of Distance Education) was established in July 2002 [vide G.O. No. 803-Edn(U)/IU(RB)-09/2002, dated 2nd July 2002] with the aim of disseminating knowledge to learners located in remote areas of West Bengal.
The territorial jurisdiction of the University is the whole of the state of West Bengal as per Rabindra Bharati Act of Goverment of West Bengal, 1961.
Web Portal for Students / Colleges / University
Fresh admission in M.A. Semester-I of the Academic Session 2024-2025
Submission of Examination Form of M.A. Semester-IV Examination 2024 (CBCS)
ADMISSION or READMISSION TO M. A. or M. S. W. SEMESTER - III, ACADEMIC SESSION 2023-2024 (CBCS, Fresh), 2022-2023(CBCS, Back), 2021-2022 (CBCS, Back)
- PCP schedule of RSM for Sem I 2023-24
- PCP schedule of RSM for sem III 2022-23
- PCP for Geography Sem III 2022-23
- PCP of Geography Sem I 2023-24
- Notice for reopening of Web portal for submission of Examination Form of M.A. Semester-IV Examination 2023
- One-Day National Seminar by the Department of Geography RBU CDOE on 23rd March of 2024
Usually the CDOE, RBU starts the new admission from the July session. The advertisement for the same is usually given in May/June of every year. The advertisements do generally appear in the Newspaper, University website, Notice boards, Television, etc.
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Welcome to RBU CDOE. Our SLMs are added here for the benefit of our students.
It is our endeavour to continuously update the content and SLM material as available in this site.
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Our Mission
- Dissemination of Tagore’s philosophy and culture to the larger section of the society.
- Optimum utilization of resources and means for developing knowedge-based society.
- Advancement of higher learning through Open and Distance Learning System.
এসো, এসো, এসো হে বৈশাখ
তাপসনিশ্বাসবায়ে মুমূর্ষুরে দাও উড়ায়ে,
বৎসরের আবর্জনা দূর হয়ে যাক
যাক পুরাতন স্মৃতি, যাক ভুলে যাওয়া গীতি,
অশ্রুবাষ্প সুদূরে মিলাক।
মুছে যাক গ্লানি, ঘুচে যাক জরা,
অগ্নিস্নানে শুচি হোক ধরা
রসের আবেশরাশি শুষ্ক করি দাও আসি,
আনো আনো আনো তব প্রলয়ের শাঁখ
মায়ার কুজ্ঝটিজাল যাক দূরে যাক।
রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর